Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Life and Living with Others

Have you been learning from life like I have? I learnt something I'll like to share with you.

Yesterday, I offended another person again. It's like I always get to offend people that I come my way. Anybody I get to know beyond the level of a mere acquaintance soon gets a share of my annoying ways.

Then I thought to myself, the solution to this challenge will be solitude. As much as possible, avoid people! When you don't get involved with people, you don't step on anybody's toes or get on anybody's nerves. That way, offenses will be very far away and there won't be any cause for you to feel bad about hurting anyone.

How nice it would be to live in a forest or town all alone. Nobody gets in your way and you don't get in anybody's. But since Adam, there has been interaction and that is how God has made human existence to be. By nature, we are made to interact. In this process, we cannot rule out offenses. When two people always agree, it is said that one of them is unnecessary.

Life has taught me that as long as I exist, I need to interact because no man is an island. And as long as I interact with people, there is bound to be differences in opinion, ideas, interests etc; even among couples. Somebody may be offended on account of me. I may also be offended on account of someone.

What I need to do is to learn to live amicable and harmoniously with people who I come in contact with and most importantly, love them. When I offend someone, I should be ready to say sorry and when I am offended, I should be ready to forgive even before any apology comes.

These lessons are a little difficult to swallow but they are the facts of life and God's expectation of us His children. I choose to do the right thing.

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